Saturday, January 17, 2015
Monday, December 9, 2013
Toxic Friends
By Ann Smith
We've all heard the studies about the important role that friendships play in our emotional and physical well being. Most of us would agree that having a few good friends to whom we can turn in times of joy and sorrow or even for simple distraction is a real plus in life and, at times, necessary for our survival.
So how could friendship ever be a bad thing?
Here are some good reasons to move on from an unhealthy friendship:
1. They take and you give. If over time you notice that the balance between giving and receiving leans heavily to your side giving and rarely focuses on your needs, it's time to have a talk. If after making it clear that you want an equal relationship it is obvious that you have become a permanent caretaker to your "friend," you can either charge professional fees or gracefully move on.
2. They do not support who you are. When criticism and put downs are a regular part of your conversations this is not a friendship that will enhance your emotional health. Sometimes disguised as teasing, humor or sarcasm a friend's digs may be aimed at lowering your status in the relationship in order to elevate their own. This does even greater harm when it takes place in public. Speak up, tell them you want to be treated with respect and if it is a person you would like to keep around, give him or her time to change. If the response to your request is more criticism, move on.
3. They cannot be trusted with your secrets. A few proven trustworthy friends can be an essential part of a healthy life. This "circle of trust" is a small hand picked group who may need to be reevaluated from time to time based on experience. Most of us have several superficial friendships where we share only things that are common knowledge and don't require much scrutiny. Those who get to hear our secrets must be true blue and also trust you with their inner thoughts as well. Keeping in mind that human beings are imperfect and may slip up, if a friend does that more than once and in a cruel fashion, we need to be honest about our hurt and disappointment and either end the friendship or change the nature of it back to the superficial category.
4. They bring out the worst in you. Some friends are just not well enough to be what you need them to be. When you have an emotional "growth spurt," you may find that your old best friend isn't able to go along with you into a healthier future. They might prefer that you keep drinking, stay with that abusive husband, wife or partner. They may advise you to start dating only days after a separation or tell you to leave a relationship because "you don't have to take that" when you haven't even tried to work on it. Or they may tell you that plastic surgery would be the solution to your low self esteem. If it is time to let go, start bringing healthy friends into your life and gradually decreasing time on the phone with your old friend. You may end up influencing him or her in a positive way but remember we can't change anyone with advice or lectures.
5. They consistently disappoint you. When a friend sets a date with you where your expectation is a time for intimate sharing and catching up and without warning they bring along another friend you don't know it is a little upsetting but we can get over it. If they cancel out for a great concert you were going to together and take a date instead, you might be able to cope with that after some time of talking and making of amends occurs. If they borrow money from you and then buy themselves expensive jewelry without paying you back, you may need to stop loaning money and seriously talk about your feelings. If all of the above are occurring with some regularity, you may get tired of expecting him or her to treat you with respect and sick of requesting change with no results. This pattern is unlikely to change and it is time to move on and spend time with more reliable, caring friends.
My personal experiences with friendship have been varied. As a young girl I saw friends in a self centered way as a means to social connection, not knowing how to share myself with them or be present for them.
Fortunately, with help I was able to learn and grow in my understanding of the important role that deep, long term friendships can play in a healthy life. My focus shifted from quantity of friends to quality in both what I gave and what I hoped to receive.
In addition to the love and connection I am blessed to enjoy with my family, I would now say that my friends provide a secure place for me to return to when I'm struggling, consult with when I'm dreaming, and celebrate when I'm flourishing. I truly hope that I do the same for them.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wilayah Cinta Dunia
Semakin sulit menerima saran, pendapat, nasihat, apalagi kritik dan koreksi pasti akan semakin gelisah tak tenang, kerana sudah memasuki wilayah cinta dunia.
Orang yang mudah tersinggung, sakit hati bahkan benci dan dendam itupun termasuk yang tak akan tenang dalam hidupnya, kerana hatinya amat bergantung kepada sikap orang lain, bukan mencari kedudukan di sisi Allah.
#Oh, daku bimbang kalau-kalau tanpa sedar kaki sudah melangkah ke 'wilayah cinta dunia' ini, nauzubillah min zalik! Mohon Allah beri perlindungan-Nya, dan pimpin ke wilayah-Nya semula, amiiin.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Tiket mahal ke Arau
Cuti 6 minggu tu dihabiskan di rumah saja, hanya minggu pada minggu terakhir tu Incek Nunn ajak dia off-road ke Sg Lembing lagi. Memang banyak permintaan ke Sg Lembing tu akhir-akhir ini, ramai orang nak tengok air terjun pelangi tu dari dekat sejak Incek Nunn gembar-gemburkan mengenainya di Facebook.
Incek Nunn sendiri dah beberapa kali pergi, dan beberapa hari lepas pergi lagi demi menyempurnakan hajat kawan-kawan. Kali ini Incik Nunn bawa Harith dan Syahmi sekali. Itulah 'percutian' jarak jauh Harith pada cuti kali ini. Selain itu dia ada juga ke Broga dengan bekas kawan-kawan sekolah. Selebihnya, masa cuti dia hanya di rumah dan keluar dekat-dekat lepak dengan kawan-kawan.
Semalam, saat akhir nak hantar dia ke Perhentian Duta, kecoh pasal tiket bas hilang. Haish, budak bertuah betul! Taknak kelam kabut, jadi kelam kabut juga sudahnya. Sampai saja Perhentian Duta, Incek Nunn terus 'slow talk' dengan kerani tiket di kaunter, solusinya - kena tunggu semua penumpang penuh dulu dan tengok kalau benar ada satu seat kosong. Ingatkan tak perlulah bayar lagi, rupanya kena bayar juga harga tiket baru, ciss! Tiket bas balik Arau Harith kali ini berharga hampir RM90!
Tapi dah salah sendiri, redho je la. Harap Harith dapat banyak moral darinya. Sayu juga lepaskan dia balik arau dengan bagasi besar sendirian. Tapi....saya tak risau, Allah ada :)
Pagi tadi dapat mesej Harith, dah selamat sampai Arau, Alhamdulillah. Ya Allah, doaku hanya semoga Allah permudahkan urusanmu pada sem 4 ini dan semoga terus istiqomah menimba ilmu kerana Allah, amiiin.
#sayang semua anak ibu ketat-ketat ;) <3
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Terima kasih Tuhan kerana mendatangkan Aisyah
Banyak lagu yang dinyanyikan semula oleh Amir (Johan Asari) dalam filem tu, dan semuanya guna suara Khir Rahman, masya Allah sedapnya suara dia. Lagu ciptaan dia sendiri pun ada, sedap!
Okay, bab lagu passed! Datang bab cerita, memang tak sangka banyak juga adegan aksi. Dengar tajuk macam cliche, tapi not bad, saya rasa filem arahan Khir Rahman ini tak mengecewakan saya. Tak pasti pula ini filem arahan ke berapa beliau. Tapi saya enjoy tengok dan tak boring.
Dalam filem ini, Johan Asari masih 'karlos' walaupun masa kenal Aisyah dia jadi mat jiwang kejap hehe. Dia bekas seorang gangster yang mahu berubah menjadi insan lebih baik. Siti Saleha sebagai Aisyah, tak ketara sangat antara watak-watak yang dipegangnya sebelum ini, dan dia nampak sweet sangat sebagai Aisyah. Saya paling suka melihat watak Sein yang sungguh berbeza. Dia pandai memainkan wataknya. Saya juga sukakan kemunculan Faizal Hussien, dia memang sudah kategori otai nampaknya. Azhan Rani semakin menyerlah bakat lakonannya, saya terkesan dengan watak beliau sebagai seorang lelaki yang terlalu mempercayai tunangnya, sehingga akhirnya dia bunuh diri setelah mendapati tunangnya berselingkuh. Jalaluddin Hassan sangat cool sebagai ayah. Dian P Ramlee sebagai ibu yang tegas dan garang, tapi babak dia curi-curi dengar perbualan suami dan anaknya tu agak kelakar hehe
Semoga Khir Rahman terus gigih berkarya lagi selepas ini.
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone